1st ISOFAR EXPO "Science meets Public", September 2015 in Goesan, South Korea

  • CIMG1013
  • CIMG1068
  • DSC_0056
  • DSC_0069
  • IMG_1853
  • Korea 15 June 104
  • Korea 2015 1
  • Korea 2015 13
  • Korea 2015 12
  • Korea 2015 11
  • Korea 2015 10
  • Korea 2015 14
  • Korea 2015 15
  • Korea 2015 16
  • Korea 2015 17

The recent food chain face a substantial contribution towards these problems. Nevertheless, it must be part of the solution. Organic farming has the goals and image to help to solve the problems of the future. Organic Farming as a whole food chain is Innovation itself – farmers and scientists together with consumers have developed an sustainable and profitable system of food production, processing, trading and consumption. But, also Organic Farming needs further development to become even better. After a period of organic research of pioneers (Organic 1.0), the jump out of the niche with Organic 2.0 in the last decades. In this millenium the sector has started to go Organic 3.0 to be part of the solutions the future challenges of food production through:

  • increasing quantity and quality of sustainable food production for increasing population
  • reducing the pollution of soil, water and air as well as preserve cultural landscapes and natural biodersity throughout the whole food chain.
  • adapting and mitigation of climate change
  • improving efficiencies of limited resources with nutrient cycles and renewable energy
  • incorporate changing ethics, habits and expectations of public and consumers
  • be profitable and competitive on global markets.


There are many international, national, regional as well as sectoral discussions and strategies of Organic 3.0 towards a sustainable, productive, and profitable food chain system, that fullfils the expectations and demands of the different cultures and economical wealth all over the world appearing.

The role of ISOFAR as global network of organic farming scientists (www.isofar.org) - together with the global organic movement umbrella IFOAM - Organics International (www.ifoam.org) - need to keep overview of these discussions and to give guidance for all stakeholders. Both institutions will discuss the different concepts and strategies and give a comment to all these important impulse towards the world of organic farming.

1st ISOFAR Organic Expo in September 2015 in Goesan, South Korea
"Science meets Public" - hall 1 to 10 description handbook
ISOFAR EXPO South Korea 2015 Hall 1 to 10 printed sent.pdf (5.65MB)
1st ISOFAR Organic Expo in September 2015 in Goesan, South Korea
"Science meets Public" - hall 1 to 10 description handbook
ISOFAR EXPO South Korea 2015 Hall 1 to 10 printed sent.pdf (5.65MB)
ISOFAR workshop "Organic 3.0 is innovation with research" manual
ISOFAR Scientific Conference Manual Korea.pdf (1.5MB)
ISOFAR workshop "Organic 3.0 is innovation with research" manual
ISOFAR Scientific Conference Manual Korea.pdf (1.5MB)
Scientific paper "Organic 3.0 is innvation with research"
357_GR_ORGA Organic 3.0.pdf (720.94KB)
Scientific paper "Organic 3.0 is innvation with research"
357_GR_ORGA Organic 3.0.pdf (720.94KB)
