5th Scientific track at the Organic World Congress November 2017 in Dehli, India

Topic: 'Innovative Research for Organic 3.0'

The future challenges of global agricultural are severe. It has to:

  • Feed 9 to 11 billion people in the next 30 to 80 years with enough, affordable and healthy food;
  • Protect the environment (e.g. soils, water, air, biodiversity and landscapes) whilst increasingly under pressure to achieve greater levels of intensification;
  • Mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt on climate change in all farming systems and value chains;
  • Incorporate novel ethics, food habits, demographics and lifestyles into the food chains;
  • Produce food on limited farmland and fossil (non-renewable) resources efficiently and profitably.

Concepts of farming system must address these challenges by all stakeholders on local, regional, national and global levels. Organic can play an important role as a leading sustainable food system. Yet, from a global perspective, organic is still a niche. As long as less than 1% of the global farmland is managed organically and only a small share of the global population consumes a significant amount of organic products, this will not change.

The Organic World Congress 2017 will be held in India, a country challenged with most of the above mentioned issues.

  • Against the backdrop of the global challenges listed above, the scientific track will present and discuss the potential of organic farming, focusing on these topics:
  • Feeding the world (productivity, efficiency);
  • Minimizing food chain induced global changes (ecology);
  • Respect for ethical and cultural issues (ethics);
  • Improvement of the quality and health benefits of food (quality);
  • How to make organic prosper and be profitable (economics);
  • Better cooperation among global research communities (networking).

Research results will be presented and discussed in 20 sessions of 1.5 hours each, and must link to the ordinary scientific disciplines (i.e. soil, plant, animal, economics, social).

Science Board:

  • Prof Dr G. Rahmann (ISOFAR, Germany, chairman Scientific Board),
  • Prof Dr V. Olowe (ISOFAR Board Member, Nigeria),
  • Prof Dr R. Ardakani (ISOFAR Board Member, Iran),
  • Dr A.K. Yadav (APEDA, India, chairman Scientific Board Members from India),
  • Dr J.P. Saini (HPKVV, Palampur, India),
  • Dr N. Ravisankar (ICAR-IIFSR, Modipuram, India),
  • Dr H.B. Babalad (UAS, Dharwad, India),
  • Dr N. Devakumar (UAS, Bangalore, India),
  • Dr S.L. Goel (OFAI, India),
  • Dr G. Soto (COSA, Costa Rica),
  • Dr H. Willer (TIPI/FiBL, Switzerland),
  • Mr C. Andres (TIPI/FiBL, Switzerland). 


Special issue Organic Agriculture "Organic World Congress 2017: Innovative Research for Organic 3.0"

