ISOFAR contribution at the 4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Mediterranean Climates: Threats and Solutions

May 26.-29., 2022 in Izmir, Turkey 

Participants from 17 countries either in person or online attended the “4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Mediterranean Climates: Threats and Solutions” that came to an end on 29 May 2022 (totally 61 oral presentations 11 of all were online and 2 of all were pre-recorded, were presented). The three-day conference addressed the themes:

  • Boosting organic production with Farm to Fork Strategy and Green Deal actions
  • Reducing climate change in the agricultural sector
  • Developing and scaling up sustainable farming
  • The challenges and recommendations for sustainable organic livestock
  • Contentious inputs

In addition to the conference itself, participants could take advantage of visiting Ecology Fair of Izmir at the same time as well as one-day excursion to the organic farms in the region of Anatolia. For many people attending the conference, mostly from countries in Mediterranean region and the host country Turkey, the conference provided an ideal opportunity to catch up on the latest information and discussions in the organic sector.

Professor Gerold Rahmann (ISOFAR President) and 3 other ISOFAR board members included Dr. Mahesh Chander, Dr. Khalid Azim and Professor Reza Ardakani actively contributed in different sessions as invited speakers or panel moderators. Professor Rahmann presented scientific remarks as required solutions for the future of the development of organic agriculture in opening ceremony as well as an oral presentation on “Latest changes in organic regulations of organic farming”. Dr. Chander presented an oral talk on “Research and development priorities for sustainable organic livestock production”, Dr. Azim an oral talk on “Comparative analysis and cost- benefit assessment of organic treatments applied to organic vegetable crops”, and Professor Ardakani an oral talk on “How philosophy and regulations of organic agriculture deal with the climate change?”.

In the closing ceremony the participants received the remarks of IFOAM President, IFOAM-Asia President and IFOAM AgriBioMediterranean President and also had a great acknowledgement to the host especially Professor Uygun Aksoy, Dr. Muazzez Comer Acar and Dr. Alev Kir for all of their efforts to organize such a great and well organized conference.

  • Rahmann
  • Ardakani
  • Azim
  • Chander
  • IMG_0137
  • Organizers
  • IMG_0160
  • IMG_0133
  • IMG_0128
  • IMG_0176
  • izis
  • izis1
  • ISOFAR paticipants
  • ABM4 invitation_2022 (1)

The conference invitation

The Mediterranean Basin and other regions of the World under Mediterranean climate conditions stand out with natural and agricultural biodiversity, which also shape the production capacity as well as the traditions and culture. Today, climate change, a global risk, and migratory movements more pronounced in the region create interrelated problems and require urgent solutions. In most countries, organic agriculture started more than 50 years ago by practitioners to find solutions to face problems of intensive monocultures and heavy input-use. The first destination was either to supply organic food for the local community or address the demands of enlarging the European market. Research that followed practice currently feeds practice, contributes to organic production, integrity, and marketing. Domestic markets of organic food and non-food produce are now present in almost every country even if at variable degrees. The Mediterranean EU member states lead the production power of the European Union and California with a Mediterranean climate plays the same role in the USA.

AgriBioMediterraneo (ABM) was established in 1990 as a Mediterranean regional initiative in Vignola, Italy to exchange experiences to further development of organic. It received recognition as an official IFOAM Regional Group in 1997. The IFOAM Mediterranean Regional Group aims to promote activities and discuss issues common to its members. The Conference will be an important step to further cooperation.
