It is envisaged that the 3AOC will provide an excellent platform to exchange ideas on the role ecological and organic agricultural alternatives can play in achieving social and economic development in the continent. A total of fifty six (56) papers were accepted for presentation as oral (52) and four (posters) in the conference. Papers were sent from nine (9) countries namely Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Sudan, Germany and the United States of America. The papers cover different disciplines, such as agronomy, livestock production, aquaculture, economics, rural sociology etc. We expect the papers to give insight into:
The 3AOC scientific track is hereby documented as Book of Proceedings for the first time since inception in 2009. This exercise has been facilitated by International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) through the organic e-print platform for the submission of papers, The International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Swiss Aids and the African Organic Network for funding the production of the Proceedings. Hopefully, a download of the Proceedings shall be made available for ISOFAR members under the webpage of ISOFAR ( after the conference.
Organized by AfrONet in cooperation with the Association of Organic Agriculture Practitioners of Nigeria (NOAN) and the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Federal Republic of Nigeria under the auspices of the African Union led Coalition of Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative (EOA) in Africa in collaboration with the International Federation for Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) and others.
Prof. Dr. GEROLD RAHMANN (Germany)