ISOFAR General Assemblies

Every 3 years, in conjunction with the Organic World Congress, ISOFAR does his General Assembly. Here you find the board reports and the minutes: 

Invitations, Minutes


Minutes GA Rennes 2021
2021-09-07 Minutes GA 2021.pdf (450.48KB)
Minutes GA Rennes 2021
2021-09-07 Minutes GA 2021.pdf (450.48KB)

Minutes GA Dehli 2017
ISOFAR GA Dehli minutes 8-11-2017 final.pdf (174.64KB)
Minutes GA Dehli 2017
ISOFAR GA Dehli minutes 8-11-2017 final.pdf (174.64KB)

Board Report 2014-2017
ISOFAR board member report 2017 AKL.docx (12.66KB)
Board Report 2014-2017
ISOFAR board member report 2017 AKL.docx (12.66KB)

Minutes GA Istanbul 2014
ISOFAR GA Istanbul minutes 12-10-2014 signed.pdf (268.44KB)
Minutes GA Istanbul 2014
ISOFAR GA Istanbul minutes 12-10-2014 signed.pdf (268.44KB)

Treasurer Report 2011-2014
ISOFAR accounting check 2012 – 2014.docx (105.49KB)
Treasurer Report 2011-2014
ISOFAR accounting check 2012 – 2014.docx (105.49KB)
